Nov 11, 2009

Cable Piano

The History of Cable Piano Company

Cable Piano Company was established by Herman D. Cable of Chicago in 1881, claimed to be "the world's greatest manufacturer of Pianos, inner Player Pianos, and Organs." Cable set up a factory in 1901 in St. Charles 3.5 acres west side of the Fox River. Charles site is very attractive because access to the Northwestern Railway making raw materials received from all over the world to this Cable Piano Company.

Cable Piano is also widely known for his work conditions in addition to the results of its products. When the heyday of this company in the early 1990s, there were as many as 500 employees, many of whom are women. Employees may join and enjoy the brass brand and male chorus, or playing in the baseball team sponsored by the company. Cable Piano Company became an self-sufficient company having their own power supply and fire protection.

With the stock market crash and subsequent depression, Cable Piano workers exposed to layoffs. The first biggest layoffs occurred at Thanksgiving 1929. In the year 1936, several employees remained. The Cable Piano Company eventually sold the St. Charles factory to the Howell Furniture Company. Howell has been established since 1860, moved from Geneva site to the more widespread factory in St. Charles.


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